Diana Pilcher – Breaking Out

My work is usually derived from my continuing interest in how we move around in the world as human beings. The individual’s experience can be influenced by many factors. Namely, the homes we inhabit, the freedoms we enjoy and often the physical and psychological circumstances we find ourselves in. For some this experience is severely limited by certain social or political conditions, including poverty, deprivation, physical disability or mental states of mind that restrict or deny us our right to move.

To move freely in the world is a basic right that all human beings should enjoy without fear or restriction. My print “Breaking Out” depicts the indelible impression that is left by the human form, signifying this irrepressible quality of freedom of movement as the basis for our humanity, even in the most extreme circumstances, our need to move defines our purpose and right to life.

Price: £200 (70 x 28 cm, framed). Original carborundum print on hannemuhle paper.

Artist’s Site: http://www.dianapilcher.co.uk/ | Artist’s Email: [email protected]